Navigating the Fast Lane for Growth and Acceleration

Boosting Business Growth Through Guided Expertise



Boosting Business Growth With Guided Expertise

My mission at The Results Business is to support you in achieving your business goals and ambitions, from startup and growth, to establishing your organisation as a lifestyle or enterprise business in line with your personal goals and ambitions. With experience across industries and business disciplines, as well as through the different phases of growth, your business will accelerate as it benefits from the guided expertise around the table.

With a track record of growing startups and growth businesses, leading re-structuring and funding rounds, and  expanding internationally into Europe and North America, plus experience of successful and unsuccessful exits, as a team members and as a CEO, we take a practical and pragmatic approach based upon real world and very personal experience.

We recognise that our mentoring and coaching services we may not be the ideal partner for everyone, and likewise, not every potential partner is the right fit for us. However, if there is a strong match, we'll have the expertise and network necessary to help you achieve your goals and fulfil your personal and business ambitions.


When Can We Help?

Not Making the Sales You Expected?

Need more sales? - a lack of sales is still the most common reason for failure. Knowing your target customer, your value proposition and what channel to use to reach your prospects is fundamental to success.  

Often businesses struggle at every stage of their sales execution whether it's  growing sales, forecasting or consistency, things that can be put right with the right sales and marketing process and tools. Let's talk about how we can help.

Operational or Productivity Challenges?

Wherever you are on your business journey, making sure your focus is right and optimising your productivity is key - there is always more items on your todo list than hours in a day.  As your team grows with the business - managing and balancing your own time with that involved in recruiting and managing the team can often be a frustrating and challenging process.  We can help - we have tools and practices that help you optimise your own productivity as well as help you get the most our of the resources around you.

Digital Strategy Not Delivering Results? 

Digital execution is fundamental to businesses today, regardless of their stage or sector. From marketing to customer service and new product development, it's essential to engage with a digital toolkit that enables and accelerates your business. If not, you are likely leaving money on the table and falling behind the competition. A review can quickly turn things around and bring significant improvements to sales and operations.

Fundraising or Exit Strategy Challenges?

Whatever stage you are at, whether your fundraising with Angels, going Public or exiting, it's a challenge and often a significant distraction from "business as usual" it's expensive and a huge overhead. With experience in fundraising and exits for startups through to listed companies, we can assist. Writing a plan, preparing the presentation, delivering the pitch, and supporting the negotiations – all these options are available to you.

Whether you want to step up to the next level of revenues, scale-up your operations  or take advantage of today's digital capabilities and innovations, we'll help align your strategy and execution while navigating the decisions and priorities to succesfully implement.  We'll provide decision support, deliver a plan and help you turn your vision into a living, breathing business.


Book a Free Consultation Now!

Book a thirty minute call to discuss where you are now and benefit from some insights and establish whether there's a fit and how working together would deliver results for you.

You're safe with me. I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.

What is Our Approach?

To work with you and ensure what's needed for success is in place and acted upon

Strategy and Direction

We will support you across the strategic areas with support, knowledge and advice to make sure that your direction, strategy and plans for growth are aligned with your ambitions and current and future capabilities including:

  • Strategic & executable business expansion plans and support
  • Revenue Growth strategies and sales training and automation
  • Funding and Preparing investment propositions and funding applications
  • Leadership & Team recruitment and development
  • Support with processes and systemisation taking advantage of the array of tools and best practices available to beunsess today including of course digital technology, including digital marketing, operational process automation and AI adoption

Approach and Execution

Once you're clear on your strategy and it's about execution:

  • We'll start with a diagnostic and understand exactly where you are across the different areas of your business to establish the baseline
  • We will focus on the key areas and identify how best to address those needs and detail a plan, key deliverables and the skills needed to take immediate action.  You'll benefit from the understand of the what and why so you’ll be able to be more effective in the future AND get results short term
  • You'll have a plan and way forward that you can commit to and focus on. Avoiding the doubt and nervousness that acts like an anchor stopping many from making progress
  • You’ll benefit from the use of objective measures that allow you to make clear decisions of what is working or not, monitor your progress and take corrective action if and when needed.
  • We'll be by you side and you'll have someone to call when you need support during the journey

Clarity, Focus and Execution

Together we'll review your ambitions, situation and needs -  defining a plan for pragmatic action.  We'll build on the experience of you and your team with the skills, expertise and assistance The Results Business can bring.  The result - a pragmatic action plan you will execute, we'll support and your business will make progress quickly


What Do Our Customers Say?

"You can tell that he has been there and done it himself, rather than just been an arms reach consultant."

-Steve Pashley
CEO, Health2Works Limited

"...Nicks commercial and international experience shone through as we worked with the team and supported the discussions with the big clients..."

-Peter Ward, European Director of P&O Neddloyd Logistics

"Nick's leadership was key to the businesses sales growth, re-structuring and sale"

-Terry Hutchinson 
Chief Financial Officer
Future Integrated Telecom PLC



Book a Free

Consultation Now!

Book a thirty minute call to discuss where you are now and benefit from some insights and establish whether there's a fit and how working together would deliver results for you.

Booking Your Call Now

Just enter the basics and You're safe with me, I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.